and a gravestone the same as the height of Sham (his lover
installed behind my head, nothing more nothing less
and an archway in the image of her eyebrows
that it may become the secdegah (prostration site) of my soul during the night
write with blood that she has taken my heart
that I have died from the arrow of Sham’s hand
Friends, may this be my will to you
Even though I am in far away lands
Only that my grave be at the road of the traveler tribes
Near to the campsite of Jaff and Goran
...to be continued...
Ev stran weyseta Welî Dêwane'ye.
Yaran wesyetim eme bê latan
herçen kewtûme dure willatan
tenya gorrekem le rêy xêllan bê
nizîk hewargey Caf u Goran bê
kêlêkî berzîş beqed ballay Şem
le jûr serim bê, bê zyad u bê kem
taqêkîş wêney taqî broy ew
ke sucdegah-i gyanim bê be şew
binusin be xwên, cergî ser kirdûm
ke min be tîrî destî Şem mirdûm